Featured Client

Posit (Formerly RStudio)

Full marketing site redesign to maintain Posit's stewardship of the popular RStudio IDE and R community while broadening their horizons to Python and beyond.
Project Info
Posit was at a major inflection point, realizing that their product offerings had outgrown the RStudio name, which placed an undue emphasis on the titular IDE.

Our team was brought in to streamline RStudio's content offerings while integrating a new design system which matched the power and simplicity of their data science tools.
Highlighted Updates
  • Updated UI Style
  • Extensible Download System
  • Dynamic Pricing Experience



Wireframe Exploration

Extensible Download System

Posit's reposition towards it's enterprise products prompted us to take a close look at the download and install experience for their Server and Pro products.  User feedback highlighted three areas for improvement.

STarting Point

Leaving the heavy lifting to users
  • Installation instructions for R were hosted on an external site which required multiple user inputs and technical knowledge.
  • Instructions for different OS versions were inconsistent in level of detail.
  • Download instruction styling was inconsistent across the IDE and Enterprise products.


Owning the download experience
  • Splitting the install process into steps instead of grouping prerequisites allowed the Posit team to provide comprehensive, specific instructions.
  • OS and version selection is streamlined at the beginning of the installation page rather than its own step entirely.
  • This two-column system allows for consistent styling and execution across all OS's and Posit products no matter the complexity of the installation.

Wireframe Exploration

Dynamic Pricing Experience

Posit's pricing is competitive and flexible. Transparent, however, it has not traditionally been. The Posit's team approach to explaining bulk and package savings was "to get customers on the phone and walk them through it". We set out to empower Posit's rockstar sales team to focus on closing deals instead of explaining cost savings by increasing pricing transparency in their pricing tool.

The Posit's team approach to explaining bulk and package savings was "to get customers on the phone and walk them through it".

Starting Point

Limited Information

Posit's original pricing calculator only functioned on its Team Product, which was itself a discounted bundle of enterprise solutions. To improve clarity on the comparative benefits of both team size and product selection, we identified the following issues:

  • Business decision makers may not know the exact size of their data science team or their licensing needs.
  • Lack of context for the price range displayed - "How much are we saving?"
  • The singular focus on the Team product and buyer's ignorance of Posit's full offerings.


Proving business impact at a glance